Shanghai-based artist Yang Yongliang has married traditional oriental art with the modernity of citiscapes and the beautiful natural backdrop of Taipei – A Bowl Of Taipei. Yang believes that there are ways to move more traditional art into more modern times by using the newest technology and techniques and blending them with the old.
He says, “As long as the characteristics don’t change, the media you use to express the art doesn’t matter.”
Using digital manipulation, Yang built stunning landscapes in which, when viewed closely, the modern world of Taipei is revealed. Yang juxtaposes this modern art by setting it in the earliest known Chinese Jingdezhen porcelain bowls. The series visually represents the past, the present, and the future of Chinese art and there is a calm and serene beauty within each landscape as waterfalls cascade down mountains, clouds fill the sky overhead, and buildings illuminate as nighttime falls.
(via artsyrup)